Containers are designed to be lightweight and fast to deploy. Most authors of Dockerfiles opt for writing containers that contain as few packages as possible to streamline filesize and reduce dependencies. As a result, many times you ned up with a container running in the wild that consists of a...
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NGINX Reverse Proxy for Fun, Profit, and Load Balancing
NGINX is SO much more than a web server!
NGINX Reverse Proxy for Fun, Profit, and Load Balancing
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Local Kubernetes Development with MiniKube - Part 2
Learning Kubernetes with Helm!
Continuing Forward with MiniKube using Helm This is part 2 of a series that illustrates to get started with local Kubernetes development using the MiniKube project, directly on your laptop. If you have not read part one of this series, I would recommend you read it here. Before continuing, it...
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Local Kubernetes Development with MiniKube
Learning Kubernetes Locally
Introduction to Minikube Recently, since the publication of my first book, Containerization with Ansible 2, (Have I mentioned you should buy a copy? :-D) I have been focusing on taking some time off and shutting off my laptop when I’m not at work. However, not unlike most geeks, I can...
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New Book, New Blog!
News all around!
Coinciding with the release of my first book, Containerization with Ansible 2, released by Pact Publishing, I decided it was time for me to start writing a blog to keep my creative juices flowing, as well as providing the community with some references on some other open source projects I...
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